Me again! LOL
Mom called us from the hospital and said Dad was allowed to have some spoons of veal broth -YAAAY!!!! - so while it was cooking I made a freebie thingie for you which I have been dreaming to make for quite a time - yup, it's an Advent Calendar!!!
And it's free! o grab it while it's available - the link will expire on December, 26.
Just my gift of appreciation to you - my customers, my blog readers, my fans, my freebie lovers, just my friends.

If you like it - just leave me a lil luv in the comments :)
This year has been rather hard on me - more like a zebra LOL - but I never feel sorry for what's behind. And I'm thankful to God for every chance he gave me - no matter what it is, life, love or job.
Luv ya all,
Love it, love it, so loving it.
Thanks ever so much for all your hard work and stunning freebies.
This is positively gorgeous! Thank you so much for doing all of this beautiful work for us. I can see so many possibilities for this calendar.
Beautiful! No photo left unscrapped this year!! Thank you
Thanks Irene!!! What a lovely surprise!
Thanks Irene, this would be pefect for a PAD project.
Your Kit whimsy swhimsy will be featured in january's issue of creative digitally magazine
the theme is bright and bold.
for more information please visit if you
would rather not be featured please let me know by email
Very cool calendar! May use for DS photos too. Thanks!
I know the broth will make your Dad feel even better!!!!!!
TY so very much for this AWESOME calender!!!!!!!!!!!!
Keeping you all in my prayers along with HUGS TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!
Огромное спасибо за такой чудесный календарь!
I just absolutely love your style of design. Thank you so much for this awesome advent calendar. I can't wait to play with.
My prayers are going up that your dad has a speedy recovery and that his pains lessen each day. I hope your migraine is better today. Hugs, Wendy
i Love your calendar. Thank you so much. i hope your father recover fully and quickly. Merry Christmas
Irene I'm so happy your dad seems to be recovering, thats wonderful news. Thank you as always for your beautiful designs and your genorosity! (sorry I can't spell, its late LOL)
Thank you for the nice freebie! I'm really glad everything's slowly getting better for you and your dad.
thanks so much
Hi Irene
Love the Advent Calendar, however, the download link seems to be broken, so I can't grab it. is there any way to fix it?
thanks so much I just love your work
Thank you so much for the lovely Advent Calendar.
Thanks so much for the fantastic freebie.
Дорогая Ирочка! Я получила огромное наслаждение от твоих наборов....они прекрасны....ничего более красивого, стильного и креативного мне не доводилось встречать раньше!
Желаю тебе дальнейших творческих успехов! Уверена, что ты и дальше будешь радовать почитателей твоего таланта новыми потрясными наборчиками!
Чмок! Чмок! Чмок!
Irene, I hate to put a damper on things, but I've tried to download the calendar on Fri and again tonight (Sun). It's not letting me download. I keep getting either "navigation cancelled" or "internet cannot display the webpage" notice. Any suggestions as to what I can do to get the file? Thanks!! (terri - hawaii) my email:
Hi Irene,
thank you so much for all your beautiful freebies!
Unfortunately the d/l link for your advent calendar doesn't work. Not sure what happened, maybe Ziddu deleted the file for some reason or the site is just down.
Thank you anyway. :)
Hugs from Germany,
Hey girlies - worked like a charm for me even when I logged out - would you try again and let me know? Thanks!!
Thank you for the cute calendar Irene :-)
LOL, looks like Ziddu doesn't like me; it's still dead, but that's alright. I appreciate everything you do for us, Irina, and no need to sweat it. I'm just happy it worked for others. :)
Have a lovely season!
Hugs from Germany,
Thank you so much, this is wonderful!
Thank you! It's beautiful! Hope your dad is feeling better soon.
I got it Irene, thanks so much. Hugs -- xoxo!! (terri - hawaii)
Thank you soooooo much!!! You spoil us but I love it!!! LOL LOL Praying your 2009 brings you many many blessings, Irene!
Oh wow this is so brilliant and I love it. Thank you so much. By the way did I say I love it?
Thank you!
this is so sweet, thank you.
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