Christmas is approaching!
Tonight DH and I are making a chocolate house for DD - I'm too busy this year to make something from scratch hehe - so I stepped aside from baking a gingerbread one and bought a marvelous kit at one of our stores. We're melting chocolate and the aroma is spreading through the door!! LOL Our neighbor (who is an old lady by the way) called us and asked what was cooking there - she and her husband were mouthwatering! LOL
As soon as it is finished (so far we've ran out of chocolate) I'll take some pics and show it to you!!!
We've decided to make these for MIL and FIL and Mom and Dad too!!!
And that means I have brand new Christmas stuff in store!
And its priced 20% off as usual!
And I have a special offer too (a free printables set with the purchase of the original kit - hey lookie, it has several wine toppers and 4 great gift cards!)
So I've been singing fa-la-la all day... LOL And that is how one of my new kits is called!

Sorry for the short post guys - running away cause that melted chocolate can't wait!! LOL
This kit is so lovely! Wonderful job. How do you find time to do all of them???
Ооооо,Ирочка....какая красота! Комплект бесподобный!!!!!! Необыкновенно хорош......
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