Hi guys, Irene here again!
Got the news... well, there are different types of...
The bad news. DD has fallen down today when my Mom went for a walk with her.
She now has a huge purple bruise on her forehead and her nose was bleeding and now it's swollen :( We took her to the hospital and luckily there's nothing serious, she just hit herself badly.
She is crying in her day sleep now once in a while cuz her nose hurts and my heart feels like is tearing apart. I've put some antiseptic on it and the swell is doing a bit better now.
My Mom feels awful about it and I can't find the words to comfort her - she can't hear what I say about ALL babies falling and making bruises, and just feels too depressed about it. She feels guilty for that... and I feel so sorry that this all happened but we were lucky enough nothing too bad did.
Well, now to the good news. I think I can tell you one good thing... hehe!
Seems like now I have MY VERY OWN PERSONAL CT!!! YAAAAAYY!!!!!
It's not too large (I didn't make a call) and all these girls are frigging awesome!!!!!
I'll introduce them to you as soon as my store is up and running! :)
Btw, lookie what I've got for you today guys!
I remember some of you were asking for this kit to be available for free - here I am the Fairy Godmother LOL
I remember some of you were asking for this kit to be available for free - here I am the Fairy Godmother LOL

Hugs and take care,
Oh dear! I'm so sorry to hear about your daughter. I hope she is all better soon. :)
- Leslie
So sorry about your daughter, I'm sure your Mom feels horrible, so sorry about that too, but your right, kids do fall all the time, its not her fault. Congrats about your ct team!! Lucky, Lucky girls! :) Thanks so much for this beautiful kit!
ouch! sorry to hear about your daughter, hope she is better soon. I have a 2 yo granddaughter and it seems like she's getting bumps and bruises constantly. Tell your mom to think of it this way... "when they fall they know it hurts so it teaches them to walk gracefully!" Have a great day and thanks for the wonderful kit.
Thank you for another lovely gift!! I'm sorry I haven't thanked you before, you have given me many beautiful and fun kits. So sorry to hear about your daughter! I hope she is feeling better today! I hope to see your designs in a store shortly!
Thank you !!! You make my day :-)
Is there an email address where I can write to you Irene ?
Thak you !!!
I was so sorry to hear about you little girl falling. As a grandma I
know how you mother feels. I had the
same thing happen to me.
Thank you once again for the beautiful kit. Love the colors. Hope
you have a CT call at some later time. I will start posting my layouts
to you Scrap Orchard gallery and hope
they are good enough.:)
Oh, very gentle hugs for your poor little Arina! She must have fallen really hard.
Congratulation on getting your own CT and your upcoming store.
Thank you so much for this GORGEOUS kit!
Give your little cutie pie & mom a hug for me!!!!!
All will be forgotten in a matter of days!!!!!!!
TY so very much for this GORGEOUS mini!!!!!!!!!!!
Owie. Sorry to hear about your daughter. Poor thing. I hope she better soon.
Congrats about your CT team!
Thanks for the lovely kit.
Thank you so much for making this free. Big Hugs Val
Oh so sorry to hear about your little girl! Its so bad when they hurt as a mum you want to take all the pain away, Bless her hope she gets over it very quickly and I am sure your mum will remember it much longer than your little girl! thank you for the kit.
Thank you Irene, I was hoping this mini kit would be offered again.
Children's lives just seem to be full of bumps and scrapes. Your daughter's bruises will heal and soon will be forgotten.
Not long now to your store opening. Are you counting the days yet??
Thank you so much for all your fantastic designs that you give us..I love them
Poor baby girl...Give her lots of lovin and she will be ok...give your Momma lots of lovin too because I know how she feels...bless her heart too :)
I was so hoping you would have a CT call....congratulations to the lucky girls!!
Awww...so sorry your little one has a a nasy owie. As a grandma too I understand why grandma would be upset. Hope both of them are feeling better now. Thank you for the goodies.
love your kits Irene
Thank you very much, it's gorgeous.
Thank you for this lovely kit. Beautiful color. I hope your daughter is no the mend.
Hi! My name is Jaana Säker and i am the owner of Scrapyard.se We are always looking for new designers for our site.
I've heard that there is many swedish digiscrappers that are afraid to buy form shops note located in Sweden
but they would love to buy products from many designers.
Maybe you want to sell you products at Scrapyard.se also? So your swedish fans can buy it to!
It would have been really fun if you want to sell your products at Scraoyard.se. Please contact me if you are interested.
Best regards Jaana Säker, owner of Scrapyard.se - jaana@scrapyard.se
Thank you for sharing! :)
The azure kit is BEAUTIFUL! Love the swirls! Thanks! :)
Oh, this mini kit is SOOOOOO beautiful, thank you! THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!!! I just love the colors!!!!!
I understand how your mother must feel about your daughter's fall ... I'm a grandma too :-). I hope that she's feeling better quickly! Your daughter that is, but also your mom.
Have you tried giving her some children's ibuprofen or Alleve (do they make a children's formula of that?) We found it more effective than tylenol and my granddaughter thought it tasted better (the ibuprofen) than tylenol, when she took a fall when under MY supervision last Feb.
Awww, I'm sorry to hear about your little one! I hope she feels better soon. Congrats on your CT and thank you for the wonderful freebie!
Its beautiful, thanks a lot! I hope your daughter is better!!
Awww, sorry to hear about the little one. Hope she's better ASAP! Thank you for so generously sharing this beautiful kit!
I'm sorry to hear about your daughter. I'm sure we all know how your mom feels. Accidents do happen to all of us. I hope they both heal soon.
oh, i hope your daughter's alright. :)
and that freebie is gorgeuous, love the colors!
oh, i hope your daughter's alright. :)
and that freebie is gorgeuous, love the colors!
Thanks for the lovely kit.
Isn't life full of bumps, hugs to daughter and gran.
I just love the colours in this new kit, thank you.
Thank you very much for this absolutely gorgeous kit! :)
So sorry about your little girl, isn't it aweful when things like that happen ? You feel like a bad mom, trust me, you're not LOL These things happen ;-)
Great freebies again, congrats on the CT and good luck !!
Blogged about you today, see if I can send some people over to your blog :-)
Aaw... I hope your DD feels better soon. And so is your mom.
Congrats on your CT and upcoming store!
Gorgeous kit! Love the color!!! TY XXX
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