I remember the colorful Feerie show at Moulin Rouge where the dancers wore flower hairpins which were made all of dainty black netting adorned with sequins - that's how this page kit started and got its name! Antique colors and vintage textures were added later when I thought of old Monmartre and that famous movie. "In the name of love, one night in the name of love!..." And that is true - with this kit your pictures (whatever they could be - heritage, romance, wedding, everyday) will look Spectacular-Spectacular!Even the papers of this kit designed in dark green and dirty mauve have gotten the names of the famous cabarets - Moulin Rouge, Lido, Folies Bergere... Welcome to the world of french cancan - luxurious and sad, sexy and prudent, wild and passionate.
Irene V. Alexeeva,
DSP Designer