Another Wednesday's there and another wordart peice if waiting for you and your sweet comments :)
You should be registered to the Scrap Orchard gallery to grab this goodie from me, so in case you're not - go on and snag it plus all the previous ones!!!
…By the way, have you got today's Orchard newsletter?
WHAAT???? You are not subscribed yet???
Okay, I'll share the insider! :)
We've just opened the registration nd you surely don't want to miss this one out!
Register before September 15 and save $20 OFF the general registratoon fee!!!

Be one of the first 50 people to register and you will be entered in to a special drawing at the convention for an iPod Touch! Only the first 50 people who turn in their registration form will be eligible to win! 50/1 Odds in Vegas..... You can't beat that!!!!

While we're in Vegas- we'll also be giving away another iPad!! Everyone who attends the convention will be entered in to the drawing to win!!

Besides... I have a lil secret.... shhhhhh, don't tell anyone... I'll be teaching a class in Vegas!!! :)
Is there a way to find out what kinds of classes will be taught? Im pretty much a beginner, but I would love to go to Digiscrap-apalooza since I live in Vegas and want to learn more.
Hello Bridget,
You can follow the Digiscrap-apalooza convention subforum at Scrap Orchard where all the details are discussed and updated daily:
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