I'm super excited!!!!
Because I'm the featured designer at BellaScraps this month!!!!
You can read about it here besides I've created a summer vacation page kit for Bella! YAY!
Grab it fast - it's only $4 + a bonus of 7 quickpages and available through BellaScraps till September, 1st!

Besides... It's another week of July and here I am with a new hand painted kit called Frolic Tunes - now all about fairies! :)
Hope you'll like it... It includes 40 unique hand painted elements and 9 papers, I've priced it at 20% OFF as usual and you're also getting a FREE quickpage set of six together with your purchase! :)

by Cynthia

by Wendy

by Flor

by Reba

by me

Happy fairing!
P.S. Btw... I LOVE to see on the right how many wonderful scrappers and just awesome people are following my blog... I'm feeling really happy you like to read my lil scrapping corner :)
That is why I prepared a gift for the follower #200... Yup, it's quite a time to reach, but still worth trying - the 200th follower will receive a $30 coupon to my store! :)
Aww shucks, maybe I should stop following and rejoin later, like near 200 hahahehe ho. just kidding!
I'm #2 - nowhere near #200 but I'll still follow your blog : ) Great kits Irene - continue the great designing!
Loved reading about you and how you got started digiscrapping.
I have almost all your kits, the last one purchased is your frolic tubes....I just love your style and colours and look forward to your next creations
Happy Creating
I have only just started following blogs. I dont know why I never did before. I am number 119. I hope you get your 200 soon :)
I have read your blog since day 1. Now I just need to be any offical follower. Fabulous kits. Your talent never ends!! :)
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