I remember some of you asked for one of my former 200 ppi kits as a giveaway - it was Arabian Fairytale. I just found it on my HDD and repackaged it for you... so now it's absolutely FREE! :)

Love ya all guys!!! Off to design - I'm working on a quirky doodled kit right now - hopefully it will make a great showcase for the Valentine's day photos! I could have doodled faster though if DD went to bed a little earlie! LOL
Hugs everyone and enjoy this little freebie!
This is gorgeous, thank you so much!
Just beautiful! Love the colors, very rich, great job!
Love those beautiful rich colors! Thanks so much!!
Thank you so much, Irene! Fun and pretty. :)
TY so very much for this LOVELY mini!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Too cute! Thanks, Irene. :)
THANK YOU! I love your work!Can't wait to see what is next!
Very nice....love the rich colors. Is this at 200 or 300 ppi? Love your work! Cathy G
Thanks so much for this. The colors are delicious :-D
Beautiful!! Thanks so much!
Спасибо огромное, Ирочка! Это, действительно, великолепный наборчик!
Oh, this is so lovely, Irene! Thank you so much for giving us this freebie! :)
Huga from Germany,
Beautiful, rich dark colors. Thank you for this great little kit!
You are so talented and generous. Thank you so much, this is beautiful.
Thank you for this lovely kit.
This kit is beautiful. Love the colors. Thank you.
how beautiful! thanks so much!!
love your new blog-outfit!
I apologize for that deeply. I made that QP out of pieces of several different kits. I did take the picture out of my post & left an apology with a link to your kit that I used for some of the pieces.
Since I didn't use only your kit pieces for the QP I made, I don't think it'd be right for you to insist on me taking it off my blog but I can understand why you're upset that I didn't link back to you which I do apologize for. So I have it on there but I made sure to mention in there that several of the elements I used are yours & left your name & a link to your blog for ppl to see what other stuff you make also.
Ирочка, огромное спасибо за твои прекрасные работы,я их обожаю.
Приглашаю посетить мой новый блог http://juliapscrapworld.blogspot.com/
Thank you!
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