Thursday, November 6, 2008

New relelases and a freebie!!!

Hello there guys! :)
Here I go again with lots of new stuff this week!
And as always it is 20% off for the upcoming week!
I have always wanted to make commercial use items - so today's my debut with them! :)
I've made two sets of layer styes for Photoshop:

And I'm also releasing a new kit today!! It's called Happy Circus, it's very vintage an altered and was inspired right after we took DD to the circus for the first time! :)

THis week only - get this large 12 page album FREE with the purchase of the kit!!

And.... the last but no the least! :) I've been playing with my new stuff today (I used three kits in this LO and they are coming to the store soon) and made a layout featuring my sweetie, so wanted to share it with you:

Then I thought... man, I'm selfish! And I saved my LO as a quick page to share it with all of you fo free :)


Have a great weekend guys!

xoxo, Irene


Anonymous said...

These look lovely! Thank you very much for the QP!

Anonymous said...

Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 07 Nov [LA 07:19pm, NY 10:19pm] - 08 Nov [UK 03:19am, OZ 02:19pm] ).

Mumure said...

Your qp is gorgeous!!!And the baby is so lovely!!!
thank you so much :))

Peggie said...

No, not selfish. Very, Very Thoughtful. Thank you for this lovely freebie.

Dana said...

THank you for the beautiful page.

Kryzzie said...

omg! You are such a talented artist! I was blog hopping and found yours. So glad to have passed by. It's truly amazing (: Love your photoshop styles. If only I had $ to buy xD Thanks so much for the free QP -huggles- It's so versatile - we can still add our own elements, content, etc in the space below the image ^^ Thanks once again!

Jaye said...


Aukje said...

I bought this!!!
Very very nice!!!!

Règ... said...

Thanks a lot ♥♥♥

Karla said...

The layout of your little daughter is beautiful! Thank you for the QP! You are never selfish, always very generous is sharing your great talent.


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