I received so many well wishes for the heads up that I truly thought it was unjust on my side to behave this way!
Sorry again for my "naughty moodiness" - you really made my day letting me know that I have awesome friends and just a bunch of good people around me!
I also received several awards from some of the bloggers and I wanted to let you guys know how much I appreciate that! The only thing why I don't put them on mine is that I can't decently nominate such a huge bunch of blogs to pass them along! LOL Besides my internet connection speed is playing bad tricks on me so I'm in and out, getting the boot here and there and sweating for hours over a single download :) But again - A HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who gave my blog these wonderful awards!!!
Btw, I'm a bad, bad scrapper! LOL I design lots but just unable to find time for srappin'.Well, my huuuge luck - Alice (fa11enan9e1) suggested that she could scrap some of my DD's pics for me!!! So hopefully I can show you more of our sweetie showcased with the help of this wonderful scrapper!
Now... yesterday I remembered that you guys wanted an alpha I made long ago... It was matching the Heartbreaker kit... a stitched alpha in pink. I still have it - found it yesterday and decided to give it away :) Hope you'll like it!

Hugs to everyone - off to iron some laundry! LOL
Awesome. Love the color. Thank you very much for sharing.
Say I know just how you feel from time to time. Try to remember to keep your head up.
Love the freebie thankx your the greatest.
Hi. I love your new Alpha!!!! I've visited your blog several times and really enjoy it. I snagged the Get Doggy and Get Kitty kits awhile back. I've just not had a chance to play with them yet and post it on my blog but am soon. Anyway, I was given an award that you share with others blogs you like to visit and I picked yours. You can visit my blog to pick it up and learn more about it if you would like. Take care now.
Oh I loved that lettering and the kits that went with it, from memory they were some of the first I got. Now if only I had a little girl to create pages for, there are only so many girly cat pages you can do without everyone thinking you've gone loopy. Lucky Alice getting to work with babydolls photos - look forward to seeing those in the scrap orchard gallery! :-)
This is wonderful! Thanks! We all need to relax a bit more and not take ourselves too seriously! This is a great fun blog to visit - and the bonus for us is - you share so much! Thanks again.
thanks heaps irene....love this alpha!
Thank you for all you do! i love your designs. I hope that you're feeling better; I know that living in a one income home is hard but I know without a shadow of a doubt that you can do it! Here's some hugs for me to you! Love ya cutie!
Thank you thank you thank you! Too cool! Huggs
Thank you for the wonderful alpha Irene!
Things will be slowing down for me
next month so I can scrap more with
my fun and beautiful Irene goodles.
Love ya, girl. Keep the great kits
coming. I can't wait for your store to open. :)
This is a great alpha. If you are feeling down, it doesn't show in your designs!
I used your Altered Harmony Graphics on my husband's website.
I loved the Piano graphic and used that on his Biographical Sketch page. You are credited at the bottom of the two webpages with a link to your blog. I love your stuff, thanks for your generosity.
I picked you to receive a blog award please go here to see why and receive your award
Hugs to ya
Thank you!
wow, I tried to figure out how to create an alpha like this for months! Thank you!
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