Oh yes, something's really sweet was just released in my store :)
The new kit is called Lulu's Candy Shop (IDK why, just thought that name would work for the yummiest candy store lol), 20% OFF and as usual the quickpages are FREE with your purchase!

I've collected a bunch of amazing layouts made by honey bees and my CT girlies - so make sure you take a look and get the inspirational spark!

Another great news!!! I have a little RAK thread at DST this week - thr three lucky winners will get a $8 coupon to my store!!! Hurry up and post to this thread to be eligible!
Ding ding! The free quickpage is also there for you :) Hope you like it!
And the last but not the least... Digiscrapapalooza is finally REVEALED!!!
Get the class schedule, the digi-celebs coming and all the other exciting events here:
I'm so excited for this huge and thrilling event! this is going to be my firt ever visit to the US and I'm having butterflies inside my belly to meet everyone in real life! :) We have our flight booked, our room reserved and money saved dor some SHOP-apalooza (LOL!) and the last thing is yest to come - we're going to Moscow for a visit to the embassy to get our visa on Tuesday!!!! Please keep your fingers crossed for us! :)
Big huggles from our family - have a great weekend!
Thanks for the Freebie! - LianeZ
Thank you for the great QP. Very sweet new kit!
so nice! Thank you so much. I'm loving the variety.
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